I've come to realise that there are certain habits that are termed BAD but are actually good for us. Some of these so called bad habits are just superstitious beliefs. Outlined below are some of them "BAD" habits and the "GOOD" they do for us....
- Farting:
Health, even at it’s very best, can be kind of messy and gross. Flatulence. Farting. Passing gas or whatever we call it, has a dramatic influence on our health. First of all though, we must know that passing gas is completely a natural function of the human body. It is necessary and a part of digestion. The first benefit of farting is that It reduces Bloating. Bloating occurs usually after the consumption of a huge meal and you feel a temporary weight gain and bodily swelling. Unreleased gas is sure the cause. Letting it out will instantly stop the bloating and discomfort.
Another benefit of passing gas is that it is good for Colon health. Holding in gas can cause medical trouble for your colon. Yes, remember when your mum used to tell you not to "hold it?".... Don't.
Your gas can also help you to predict major health issues early. Extreme smells, increasing gas frequency, and strange gas pains can alert you to conditions as mild as lactose intolerance, and as extreme as colon cancer.
Last but not the least is that the Smell is Good for you. Yes, it is. It sounds weird but studies have indicated that a compound we produce in small quantities in our gas, hydrogen sulfide, might actually protect us from later illness. So, smelling the " rotten egg" in small doses can wave of cell damage and prevent strokes and heart attacks down the line.
And lastly, it's a HUGE RELIEF. I don't think I need to say much on that one cos we all know it's true. - Dropping f-bombs and other expletives:
Yeah, you heard right. Multiple studies have shown that swearing helps with pain tolerance, stress relief, and even bonding with your btch-ass coworkers. Fck-yeah! Dropping f-bombs and other expletives can release fck-yeah levels of adrenaline, which can be both numbing and stimulating. We swear for positive reasons just as often as for negative ones. People who swear more have even been shown to be more honest, because it acts as a signal of authenticity between friends. It's also been shown that pilots and surgeons don't perform as well when they aren't allowed to swear, because of the loss of that stress release in high-pressure situations. So, get all that sht out and stay healthy...or not. Your choice on this one. - Losing your temper:
Everyone knows you should never lose your temper, and that you should always keep a level head, no matter what situation you find yourself, right? Well… not exactly. Bottling things up is not always the best solution. Losing your temper every now and then, even if it’s just in the form of venting when you get home after an awful day at work, or telling your spouse in the car about how you were just treated at the gas station, can actually reduce the effects of stress. As a matter of fact, a Swedish study found that men who were unfairly treated at work and then bottled up their anger with the situation rather than venting at an appropriate time actually doubled their risk of having a heart attack – so sometimes, you’ve just got to let off that steam. - Junk food:
Hold it right there folks. This is most definitely not an excuse to stuff your body with package upon package of processed or fast food. Junk food in large quantities is absolutely not good for your health and wellness. However, sticking to a diet of healthy foods at all costs and completely ignoring your cravings will also lead to trouble. Sometimes you should allow yourself a treat, every now and then, even if it’s something like junk food. It will give you a much needed mental boost. Now, I'm not saying you should eat an entire three-layer cake all by yourself – but having a slice every now and then is healthy for you. - Playing video games:
On one hand, sedentary lifestyle is not good. It is advisable to take some time out, do some work, exercise the body. Video games can be very addictive, however, they actually have some surprising benefits. Studies have shown that children who play video games after chemotherapy treatments need less pain-killing medication, and individuals with back pain and burns also find that the engrossing nature of video games can take their minds off their discomfort.
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